Our goal is to bring awareness that a disability is not an inability. There are several main types of training courses offered through the Deaf Unit:

  • Training for wider society

We recognize the increasing importance of providing training to society to ensure they are equipped with the skills necessary to communicate with a variety of hearing-impaired individuals. We offer training on different aspects of deaf culture and society, covering topics such as the challenges of being hearing-impaired, how the hearing can communicate with people with these disabilities, and learning Egyptian Sign Language and other useful tools to aid communication.

  • Training for parents of the deaf

Parents are the children’s most important providers of care and education, and we are committed to involving parents as much as we can. We give parents information regularly through:

    • Regular events for parents
    • Weekly parents group
    • Free sign language courses for parents of deaf children
    • Weekly spiritual development course
    • Training for deaf adults
    • We seek to empower deaf adults through encouraging positive development of self-esteem, independence, and cooperation with others. It is our goal to help deaf individuals become self-

sufficient members of society with equal access to valuable employment and other community resources.

  • Training for Deaf Unit staff

We offer three courses during the year to provide our teachers with the most updated training in English, computers, and new methods of deaf education.

  • Training for villages – Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR)

The aim for the CBR program is to meet the needs of the local people with special needs in the community. It gives the people with special needs the chance to integrate into the community and ensures equal rights.

  • Training for Arab countries

The Deaf Unit currently has training courses in Morocco and has plans to expand the program into Iraq, Syria, and Yemen in the near future. These courses educate international communities about deaf individuals and deaf culture, aiming to foster productive and respectful relationships between the deaf and hearing communities.


Through these training courses, the Deaf Unit’s goal is to build awareness about hearing-impairment on a national and international level, ensuring more positive interactions between deaf and hearing individuals.

Developed By: Christeen Fayek Gerges